Monday, August 18, 2008

Meeting Minutes 8-17-08

THE DANCE TEAM minutes: AUGUST 17 2008

Location: Nadia's Apt.


Talia Kraft
Zoe Schwartz
Tess Dworman
Mike Fleming
Becky O'Connell
Al Fleming
Nadia Jassim
Shams Sharwani

Banana bread was served by Tess

Begin real shit

++Structure of the Organization++


-Mission Statement (we played the game where you go around in a circle and everyone adds one word at a time. it was a joke, but it turned out half alright so here it is):

-The Dance Team is a fun, awesome, creative collective of great caliber. It does everything. The conducive relationship between brain and artistic inquiry produces palpable experiences worthy of investigation. Team dynamics flush out ideas about synergy and possibilities of collaborative .

-Key Points:

Different Disciplines
Open Source Model
- Voting System, open proposals
Audience cross-breeding
academic relationships

++Bi-Weekly Meetings Would Be Nice++


- Dance History
- Integrated Art History
- Teach a choreography workshop/comp class - TESS


- Comp Class
- History


- find space, money for da booze, spread the word [suggested donation]
- raffle, something fun, auction, merch
- P.R. dinner with the profs
- Research before setting a date
- dads
- Limited Addition

Weekend of rest thing 2nd or 3rd weekend in Oct.

++PR stuff++

-sticker/button/positive reinforcer
-slogos: "If one person messes up, everybody has to do push-ups"
"The interesting dance girls' interesting dance team"
"Take me to Michael Crichton"

(Google Calendar would make things easy)

++General Discussion:++

- Becky game night
- Workshops

++ Documentation is a really good idea ++

++ SPACES for USES: ++

-The Park
-Art Institute
-Link's Hall
-The Streets
-We could do it on a boat
-We could do it on a plane
-Why don't we do it in the road
-Mess Hall
-DRK - KCPA - Independent Media Center (chambana)
-The Birdsnest/ The Water Cube
-The Mansion
-Chicago Artist Resource

++Go through the grant process++

- Press Release for everything -
- Mingling is important -

++Apply to a bunch of festivals/residencies++

SportsART, sports performance
Host tournements/competitions

"Ask your dadmoms"
"Bring your dadmom to workshop"

++FOR NEXT TIME: Bring in an experiment, drafts of mission statement, proposals.++

1 comment:

Jc said...

damn, sounds like a real club got started here