Friday, April 10, 2009

Declan Hill

We are making a thing. We are using Declan Hill as a jumping off point.
You guys got any ideas?


Ellen said...

Well, after I read the wikipedia article on Declan Hill, I went to the linked article about match-fixing. What jumped out at me in that article were the ways that coaches substitute certain players to sort of build a losing team, by "having one or more key players sit out, often using minimal or phantom injuries as a public excuse for doing this".

What if we did something involving the performers frequently stopping in the middle of their movements and sitting on the sidelines, maybe citing made-up injuries? Kind of turn the dance into swiss cheese. Comments?

Steve May said...

"What if we did something involving the performers frequently stopping in the middle of their movements and sitting on the sidelines"

I dig this. For the movement, I would like it if we actually played a game, instead of dance-improv. We could even do a version of 'follow the leader' where each person would lead, and then everyone else tried to 'one-up' the leader. and then when someone successfully one-ups the leader, someone pulls them out of 'the game' and they start slow-jamming to tracks off mariah carey's "emancipation of miami" album, while 'the game' continues without them.